摘要:The research was designed to assess the level of stress and interpersonalskills of students at higher education level.Further to measure the effectof stress on students’ interpersonal skills of young students.Research wasof descriptive-correlational style.The population of the study was basedon 9132 social sciences university students (session 2018).724 studentscontributed in the data collection.Stress indicators assessment scale basedon five sub scales (sleep, behavioral, emotional, personal and physicalindicators) having 65 items and interpersonal skills assessment scale (60items) were used to collect data.It was found that stress and interpersonalskills among young students were at moderate level.The study indicatedthat the stress effects negatively 31.9% on the interpersonal skills.Furthersleep disorder, behavior, Emotions, Physical and personal indicators had6%, 21.7%, 25.6%, 26.3% and 21.6% negative effect on students’interpersonal skills respectively.It is recommended for the educationalinstitutions to encourage the social and community service programs toreduce stress and improve interpersonal skills among students.