出版社:Natsional'nyi Tekhnichnyi Universytet Ukrainy "Kyivs'kyi Politekhnichnyi Instytut imeni Ihorya Sikors'koho",National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
摘要:The efficiency of cavitation treatment of water-gasoline fuel mixture for power supply of automobile internal combustion engines has been experimentally investigated. It is established that cavitation treatment of this fuel mixture allows to increase the water content in it up to 15–17%, reducing the engine power by only 6–7%. This allows up to 10–15% to increase the cost of gasoline when running engines in city traffic jams and on flat and sloping sections of highways. The description of the automobile electromagnetic vibrating cavitator developed for cavitation processing of water-gasoline fuel which not only provides fuel, economy, but also increases degree of completeness of combustion of water-gasoline fuel mix is resulted. As a result, the ecology of the environment is improving.
关键词:fuel;water;gasoline;cavitation;electromagnetic drive;cavitation exciter;completeness of fuel combustion;gasoline economy;ecological ecology