期刊名称:International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences
出版社:Behavioral Sciences Research Center Of (SBMU)
摘要:Introduction: Considering the importance of meaning of life and its role in mental health, thepurpose of the current study is to examine the psychometric properties of LAP-R, an instrument thatmeasures the meaning of life on the extensive components.Method: 500 students from different levels of education of Shahed University of Tehran wereselected by proportional sampling method and after translating and retranslating of LAP-R,responded to LAP-R with the Spirituality Assessment Inventory (SAI), the Self-Esteem RatingScale- Short Form (SERS-SF) and the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS). Afterperforming the questionnaires, the results of validity and reliability of LAP-R were analyzed bystatistical analysis.Result: As the results of current study showed, there was a high correlation between manysubscales of LAP-R with SAI, SERF-SF and PANAS. Also, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient andthe correlation between the test-retest of LAP-R was appropriate (P<0.01). The correlation of thetest-retest of this scale ranged from 0.61 to 0.81(P<0.01). Also, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ofthe subscales and the overall score of this scale ranged from 0.65 to 0.86.Conclusion: Considering the appropriate correlation of LAP-R with other scales as well as theresults of test-retest correlation and Cronbach`s alpha, it can be said that this questionnaire hasappropriate validity and reliability.