标题:Recent Trends, Challenges, and Future Aspects of P2P Energy Trading Platforms in Electrical-Based Networks Considering Blockchain Technology: A Roadmap Toward Environmental Sustainability
摘要:Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading platform is an upcoming energy generation and effective energy managing strategy that rewards proactive customers (acting as prosumers) in which individuals trade energy for products and services. On the other hand, P2P trading is expected to give multiple benefits to the grid in minimizing the peak load demand, energy consumption costs, and eliminating network losses. However, installing P2P energy trading on a broader level in electrical-based networks presents a number of modeling problems in physical and virtual network layers. As a result, this article presents a thorough examination of P2P studies of energy trade literature. An overview is given with the essential characteristics of P2P energy trading and comparatively analyzed with multiple advantages for the utility grid and individual prosumers. The study then addresses the physical and virtual levels that systematically categorize the available research. Furthermore, the technological techniques have been gone through multiple problems that need to overcome for P2P energy trading in electrical networks. Finally, the article concludes with suggestions for further research.