摘要:N1895, Frederick Engelsannounced ihai “the ebellion oí the old style, the Street fighting ehind barricades, u hich up to 1848 gave the inal decision, has become antiquated.”1 Im- >rovements ín the mobility and firepower of government forces, combined with the lure of parliamentary representation for the workers, had ended the era in which revolutionaries could hope to seize power through urban insurrection. In the twentieth century, those seek ing power for the purpose of radically transforming society have generally lurned 10 ruralbased guerrilla warfare as a means of overthrowing lhe existing order. The theories of Mao, Giap, and Guevara proposed the initialion of internai war in ihecoumryside noi only for military reasons butalso becauseof an idenlificaiion of lhe cities as ideologically impure bastions of counterrevolution..