摘要:The object of research. Process of oscillation of the Helmholtz resonators. Investigated problem. Differences between some formulas for the calculation of the resonant frequency of the Helmholtz resonator and the most accurate of them were established. The effect of acoustic design on the Helmholtz resonator frequency value and influence of the attached air mass between the neck of the Helmholtz resonator and free field were investigated. The main scientific results. As a result of a numerical experiment, analytical ratios were obtained that allow obtaining the most accurate results. One of them is the most optimal for calculating the resonator resonant frequency in a free field, and in this case, less than 1 % inaccuracy level can be achieved, given that r/R<0.25. Other one allows to achieve the same low inaccuracy level for a resonator located in an acoustically rigid shield, given that r/R<0.25. Research has shown that the location of the resonator in an acoustically rigid shield leads to significant changes in natural resonance frequency value. The area of practical use of the research results. The detailed research of previously unexplored properties of resonators will make it possible to improve the algorithms for the development of metamaterials, to discover additional parameters with which it is possible to control the characteristics of the metamaterial. Scope of the innovative technological product. Such resonators are used as the basic elements in metamaterials, as structural elements of the sound-absorbing panels, in acoustic mufflers.
关键词:Helmholtz resonator;resonance frequency;resonator in an acoustically rigid shield;Helmholtz resonator modeling;natural frequency