摘要:Fix a finite ordinal \(n\geq 3\) and let \(\alpha\) be an arbitrary ordinal. Let \(\mathsf{CA}_n\) denote the class of cylindric algebras of dimension \(n\) and \(\sf RA\) denote the class of relation algebras. Let \(\mathbf{PA}_{\alpha}(\mathsf{PEA}_{\alpha})\) stand for the class of polyadic (equality) algebras of dimension \(\alpha\). We reprove that the class \(\mathsf{CRCA}_n\) of completely representable \(\mathsf{CA}_n\)s, and the class \(\sf CRRA\) of completely representable \(\mathsf{RA}\)s are not elementary, a result of Hirsch and Hodkinson. We extend this result to any variety \(\sf V\) between polyadic algebras of dimension \(n\) and diagonal free \(\mathsf{CA}_n\)s. We show that that the class of completely and strongly representable algebras in \(\sf V\) is not elementary either, reproving a result of Bulian and Hodkinson. For relation algebras, we can and will, go further. We show the class \(\sf CRRA\) is not closed under \(\equiv_{\infty,\omega}\). In contrast, we show that given \(\alpha\geq \omega\), and an atomic \(\mathfrak{A}\in \mathsf{PEA}_{\alpha}\), then for any \(n<\omega\), \(\mathfrak{Nr}_n\mathfrak{A}\) is a completely representable \(\mathsf{PEA}_n\). We show that for any \(\alpha\geq \omega\), the class of completely representable algebras in certain reducts of \(\mathsf{PA}_{\alpha}\)s, that happen to be varieties, is elementary. We show that for \(\alpha\geq \omega\), the the class of polyadic-cylindric algebras dimension \(\alpha\), introduced by Ferenczi, the completely representable algebras (slightly altering representing algebras) coincide with the atomic ones. In the last algebras cylindrifications commute only one way, in a sense weaker than full fledged commutativity of cylindrifications enjoyed by classical cylindric and polyadic algebras. Finally, we address closure under Dedekind-MacNeille completions for cylindric-like algebras of dimension \(n\) and \(\mathsf{PA}_{\alpha}\)s for \(\alpha\) an infinite ordinal, proving negative results for the first and positive ones for the second.