摘要:Food availability refers to the adequacy of the supply of healthy food. It is a key concern for the wellbeing of tamariki Māori today. A narrative literature review methodology was applied to examine the literature and identify influences that enable the availability of healthy food for tamariki. Findings were synthesised and analysed using the Oranga Mokopuna framework—a rights-based approach grounded in tikanga Māori. Factors enabling healthy food availability for tamariki involve the fulfilment of their rights to (a) an environment that enables access to traditional foods and food practices, (b) be involved in decisions about their food environment, (c) the right to adequate food and (d) the highest attainable standard of health (and within this) to be protected from food marketing. There is limited evidence that the New Zealand government is meeting these obligations to tamariki. Thus, the right to healthy food needs to urgently be embedded across legislation, policy and practices. .