摘要:This paper examines the life-cycle dynamics of real wages and labor supply in Sweden. The descriptive results lend support to the inter-temporal substitution hypothesis (ISH), as the age patterns of real wages and the labor supply are both hump-shaped. However, the age-wage profiles increasingly shift toward older ages over time, whereas the age-employment profiles do not. This leads to an accentuated difference-in-differences of the two variables from prime working age through retirement, which casts doubt on the explanatory power of the ISH for the lifecycle labor supply. Econometric analysis shows that the intra-temporal elasticity outweighs the inter-temporal elasticity of substitution, and thus provides little support for the ISH. The estimated labor supply elasticity also varies considerably across age groups. This suggests that an array of age-specific parameters are needed in calibrating the overlapping generation model (OLG).