摘要:Creating Shared Value (CSV) has fast emerged as a strong mutual value creation model among the top Fortune 500 corporations globally. With the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development goals paving way for a gamut of multi-billion dollar CSV opportunities below the Pyramid segment, the CSV has become a tool for differentiation and competitive advantage among the corporations. Various qualitative studies have been conducted on the Creating Shared value in both developing and developed countries, but, the empirical literature availability is still scanty globally and not present in India. As a first, this paper intends to analyze the perceptions about the parameters of Shared Value creation’s competitiveness over Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) amongst the CSR and Sustainability professionals in Top CSR and Sustainability practicing companies in India. The paper employs factor analysis to compose the CSV variable and non-parametric tests to ascertain CSV’s competitive advantage over CSR and investigate the relative importance of the variables that measure it respectively. And explore its differences relating to the demographics specially Industry-type, Organizational size, Job level, and Total experience among the respondents. The study results confirmed the positive perception among respondents regarding CSV’s competitiveness with differences in its factors. Attributes such as Industry Type displayed no difference in respondents’ perception. However, Industry size, respondents’ current job level and total job experience showed positive associations. This study adds to the scarce CSV empirical literature by offering insights on CSV’s competitiveness and linking it to the firm characteristics.
关键词:Creating Shared Value (CSV);Corporate Social Responsibility;CSR;CSV’s Competitive advantage;Creating Shared Value in India;CSV in Companies;CSV and Sustainable development