摘要:The following article is about a study in the field of the pedagogical integration of ICT. It proposes an examination of the relationship that can exist between a model of pedagogy and a model of the use of ICT. A case study has been conducted with a group of teacher educators, to focus on the relationship emerging from teacher educator’s conceptions of pedagogy and their use of ICT. Participants were recruited from a university faculty of education. They had to use ICT in at least one component of their course in an online teaching context. We conducted semi- structured interviews that were analyzed using a model of pedagogy and a model of the use of ICT in education. Our participants’ discourses have been analyzed according to the pedagogy scales proposed by Trigwell and Prosser (2006) and according to the Desjardins’s (2005) categories of competencies. A systematic analysis of the content allowed two relationships to emerge in the teacher educators’ conceptualizations. The first relationship lies between a student centered / process oriented pedagogy and a social use of ICT. The second relationship lies between a student centered / product oriented pedagogy and an informational and technical use of ICT. These relationships are not mutually exclusive practices, but an explanation of the manner in which pedagogy and ICT can interact at a theoretical level. This explanation contributes in deepening our comprehension of the interaction between the concept of “pedagogy” and the concept of “ICT”, which will then allow us to undertake a reflection on the recommendations that can help improve practices.Key words : Teacher educators, conceptions, approaches to pedagogy, use of ICT, pedagogical integration of ICT.
关键词:Formateurs d’enseignants;représentations;approche pédagogique;usage des TIC; intégration pédagogique des TIC