摘要:Action Research is a new paradigmstrength for research practitioners, because it requires researchers to be involved in the process of improvement or change in behavior,research respondents are not only played as objects but as subjects. In other words, the research subject may be the researcher himselfthe community involved with the researchers. This study – using Action Research – is concerning the character education in Indonesia. Character education is expected to be the main foundation in increasing the degreedignity of the Indonesian nation. Character building based on national values must be done from an early age to introduce the national identity. The community service activity is motivated by the idea that the lack of attention to character education for students in elementary schools causes various social problems. Developing character education in schools requires various learning innovations. Innovation is very dependent on the understandingskills of teachers in developing learning. In developing character, it can usually be sourced from a valueone of these values is national values. The development of character education based on national values does not mean that the development of character education is an obligation of subjects in elementary schools. However, all subjects develop national values. On that basis, the development of national values can be a source of developing character education in the classroom.
关键词:Character Education;Spirit of Nationality;Basic School Teachers