出版社:Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security
摘要:Our voices are encoded with emotional information. While it is complex and difficult to develop software to classify emotion and deception from the voice, it is possible. Using experimental methods, this research examines current commercial vocal analysis software for predictive and statistical validity in identifying emotion and deception for security screening. It is unrealistic to rely completely on the voice to detect deception and hostile intent for all people and all situations. But, by exploring the vocal variables used by the software, we are able to correspond and fuse them with other detection technologies for higher prediction reliability and accuracy. Implementing an unreliable and invalid detection technology could place the country’s security in jeopardy by failing to detect actual threats. Just as deleterious, however, would be to dismiss technology, such as vocal analysis, before it has been thoroughly examined. This would deprive us of a valuable tool for detecting threats and securing our homeland.