摘要:Micro and small tourism businesses are important component of tourism destinations. Their development is an effective way of empowering and revitalizing local communities in developing countries. Government and private agencies plays significant roles in stimulating their growth. In recognition of this, this study investigates the role of government and private agencies in supporting the development of micro tourism businesses in the local communities of Obudu mountain resort using a qualitative case study research strategy. The interviews with fourteen (14) proprietors of existing micro tourism businesses and ten (10) management staff of selected government and private organizations reveals that much has not been done to provide the needed support. The owners of tourism businesses lamented that they haven’t enjoyed any government support in terms of easing their start-up through funding. They also express their displeasure with the unfavourable conditions attached to granting loans by micro finance banks, and considers it as anti-poor. We concluded this paper by stressing the need to review existing policies to the ones that guarantee easy accessibility of funds to tourism entrepreneurs in rural areas as a necessity to strengthen pro-poor tourism initiatives.