摘要:AbstractThis paper considers the design of internal model-based dynamic sliding mode control for a DC-DC boost converter. DC-DC boost converter transfer function model has non-minimum phase behavior with a zero in the right hand side of s-plane. The control structure considered in the paper constitutes an internal model which is so chosen that it compensate the non-minimum phase nature of the system due to a right-hand plane zero of s-plane. Then, a dynamic sliding mode control (SMC) is designed to have a chattering free control signal. A PID type surface is chosen for the dynamic SMC and the surface parameters are tuned to have a critically damped tracking response. Simulation results are carried out for tacking and disturbance rejection and the results are compared with the basic internal model control (IMC) and two-degree-of-freedom IMC (TDF-IMC). It is observed that disturbance rejection for the dynamic SMC is much better than the basic IMC as well as TDF-IMC.
关键词:KeywordsModel based controldynamic sliding mode controlDC-DC boost converter