摘要:Ega Rizki Julianti. 2021. Analysis of Working Capital Turnover on Profitability at the Tamalanrea Drinking Water Depot, (supervised by Dr. H. Muh. Yusuf Saleh, SE., M.Si and Dr. Miah Said, SE., M.Si) Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Bosowa University.This study aims to determine the working capital turnover in increasing the profitability of the Tamalanrea Drinking Water Depot. The type of method used in this research is through observation, interviews, surveys, documentation and literature studies. To analyze the working capital turnover ratio, the working capital turnover ratio is used and to see the profitability of the Tamalanrea Drinking Water Depot, the ratio of net profit margin and return on equity is used. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Tamalanrea Drinking Water Depot is able to increase profitability with the existing working capital turnover. It is hoped that the tamalanrea drinking water depot will be able to increase and maintain the level of working capital turnover to achieve good profitability.