摘要:The Covid-19 pandemic brought changes and need for adaptation in the educational sector, especially in public schools. The study aimed to analyze the statements of teachers/professionals in the public network about the access by both students and education professionals to the World Wide Web and digital teaching platforms. The data was collected from March to August 2020, in the Facebook Social Network, in posts and comments from groups open and intended for education professionals from the Public Network of the State and Municipalities of Rio de Janeiro. The data were analyzed using the Iramuteq software, constituting a corpus with 1,086 text segments and a 91.07% utilization rate. The results were presented in two thematic areas (a) remote teaching with three classes: remote teaching modality, conditions of access to technology and union organization and (b) pandemic in the school context with three classes: safety measures for the return and school structure, concern with the preservation of life and school as a place of risk and propagation of the virus. Education professionals showed concern about the possibility of contamination in face of the physical conditions of school units and the exclusion of access to remote activities for most students.