摘要:It appears that the end of the traditional air operations center (AOC) aswe know it is within sight. Lt Gen David Deptula, USAF, retired, one ofthe chief planners of the Operation Desert Storm air campaign, recentlystated “. . . our ability to command and control (C2) air and space forces willbe affected by three major interrelated trends: emerging threats, new technologies, and the velocity of information.”1 Air Force leaders actually described this future C2 environment in their “Call to the Future” and the “Air ForceFuture Operating Concept (AFFOC)” describing the multidomain operationscenter (MDOC) of 2035, complete with new divisions, impressive resiliency,robust reach-back capabilities, and a smaller in-theater footprint, which leftmany asking, how can the Air Force get to that future state?2 Rapid information flow and decision making will be critical, and modern organizationalstructures such as matrix and edge offer possible solutions. Furthermore, network centric operations offer information-age organizations structures tailored forrapid information processing and utilization.3 The C2 of air mobility aircraft, a limited worldwide resource utilized yet split between multiple combatant commanders(CCDR), presents a particularly challenging problem set in light of these technological and organizational advances since the advent of the AOC. The purpose ofthis article, then, is to examine how the air mobility C2 enterprise might adapt itsorganizational structure to increase the speed of information flow between the globally minded 618th AOC and the regionally focused air mobility divisions (AMD).This research suggests that increasing the lateral ties between the 618th AOC andregional AOCs, while not a manpower savings, would increase the agility and information flow through the air mobility C2 enterprise as a whole. A theater-specificreach-back cell within the globally focused 618th AOC might be a first step on theroad to the future operating concept’s realities of 2035.