摘要:Yeast plays a key role in the production of alcoholic beverages. Effective fermentation requires appropriate conditions to ensure the production of high-quality beer. The paper discusses the effect of dry brewing yeast (
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
Saccharomyces pastorianus) after rehydration with water exposed to low-temperature, low-pressure glow plasma (PTW) in the atmosphere of air (PTWAir) and nitrogen (PTWN) in the course of the fermentation process, the formation of volatile compounds and other quality parameters of the finished beer. The obtained results show that the lager yeast strain initiated the process of fermentation faster after rehydration in the presence of PTWAir compared to all of the other treatments. It was observed that PTWAir significantly changed the composition of volatile compounds in the finished beer, especially by increasing the number of terpenes, which are compounds that positively shape the aroma of beer. In the case of PTWN samples, lower alcohol content, real extract, apparent extract and amount of biomass were observed in all analyzed strains.
关键词:endry yeastale yeastlager yeastfermentationbeerplasma treated water