期刊名称:International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management
摘要:Colour detection is the process of detecting the name of any colour. We are going to build an application through which we can automatically get the name of the colour by clicking on them. So for this, we will have a data file that contains the colour name and its values. Colours are made up of 3 primary colours: red, green, and blue. In our dataset, we need to map each colour’s values with their corresponding names. We will be using a dataset that contains RGB values with their corresponding names. OpenCv is a Computer Vision library. It is a collection of C functions with a few C++ classes that implement popular Image Processing and Computer Vision algorithms. Computer vision is the science that means to give a comparative, if not better, capacity to a machine or PC. Some of the basic image processing capabilities include filtering, edge detection, corner detection, sampling and interpolation, color conversion, morphological operations, histograms and many more. Colour detection using opencv has many advantages like, it allows the detection of a specific colour in a livestream video content. In this opencv colour detection system there are four major modules, activated webcam, scan object, match frame parts and system results. Users can open webcam by clicking the webcam button. Then the algorithm analysis the pattern of the framed part of webcam. Pattern is matched with defined color pattern by RGB color model. If the pattern matched with the potential pattern of RGB colour model then the system results with the correct output.