期刊名称:International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management
摘要:Housing comprises a whole gamut of shelter, home and the attendant infrastructure such as roads, water, electricity, communication and transportation, Omuojine E.O. (2001). It is the single element that plays a fundamental role in the promotion of good health, work efficiency, productivity, high socio-economic standard, general welfare, and ensure the development of both individuals, society, and nation at large (Jinadu, 2007, and Nubi, 2008).Today we are witnessing the collapse of many buildings in the country. Some modern structures cannot withstand little pressure as a result of change in climatic conditions or soil shrinkage that eventually leads to loss of total investments and lives. Data was collected through administration of questionnaire and interview, soil test and building materials tests. It was analysed using statistical tools, tables, percentile, descriptive, and narrative methods of data analysis. It was concluded that, in order to achieve sustainability in public housing estate within Damaturu metropolis all aspects involve in the development process right from the selection of site, construction of sub-structure and superstructure must be directly undertaken by the certified professionals in the building industry to achieve standard.