期刊名称:International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management
摘要:The demand for the automation technology has gained a lot of popularity in recent years and also for the forthcoming generation. The key features or challenges for this system are privacy and smart work. We have made this project keeping minimum budget and easy installation in mind and that is wireless based home automation system. When anybody use this technology, then this technology upgrades the day-to-day life by decrease our client's effort, this project is energy efficient and easy installation thus making it a modern home. It‟s very much beneficial for physically disabled people. Home appliances like bulb, fan and door lock etc can be controlled using our home automation system. By using the smart phone application we can control the appliances which also increase the security by using the „ON‟ and „OFF‟ commands. This system is completely safe from shock and saves a lot of time, energy and cost, adds quality to life and comfort for users.
关键词:Arduino UNO;Bluetooth HC-05;4channel 5V relay;security;Home automation System