期刊名称:International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management
摘要:Today’s society has led to the increase in the number of small families while the gradual spread of living into the urban and suburban areas has raised a significant concern in the security of the individuals. many security systems are available in the market today but they aremostly expensive. The objective of the model described in this project is to present a simple andlowcost design to make our homes more safer. The Raspberry pibased framework used inthis project Ubidots, combined with the ultrasonic sensor which not only alerts of an intruder andtheir actions but also captures the images through a camera from the scene. An intrusion can beidentified with the help of the above mentioned sensor that can detect the presence of a person,distance variations and the location. In case of a abnormal output from the above measurements,the user or owner of the house is immediately alerted through IoT. The rightful person receives amessage on their phone immediately followed by images of the person causing the scepticalsituation along with a captured image that gives a detailed picture of the happenings and will alsoserve as anevidence for further investigations.
关键词:Computer Vision;Image Processing;Raspberry pi Camera;Ultrasonic Sensor