期刊名称:International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management
摘要:Water is as important for survival of human beings as food, air etc, but hardly any attention is paid for its economical use and conservation of this precious resource. Due to indiscriminate pumping of groundwater, the water table is going down abnormally. Rains are the main source of water and if rainwater is harvested, the scarcity of water can be eliminated altogether, Water is the most important and most precious compound on earth. Human being and all living things cannot survive without water. The water supplies and reservoirs need to be protected. The discharge of polluted water can cause various diseases and health problems in man and the environment. Rainwater harvesting is a generally utilized term covering each one of those systems whereby rain is collected and utilized close to where it first achieves in the earth. The term has been connected to make precipitation permit the ground as opposed to keep running off its surface to types of flood control to the development of little repositories. Rain falls into rooftops and after that keeps running off.