期刊名称:Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science
出版社:Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology
摘要:The experiment is aimed at knowing the effect of “body heating” on color preference. Eleven subjects with normal color vision served as subjects. Two tests, one of the “No Bath” and the other of the “Bath” were conducted. Hot bath immersion with 38.5°C was performed for 30 min from 07:30 h to 08:00 h. Then, they were instructed to choose a single colored cloth out of 41 cloth colors (24 × 52 cm), preferred by themselves, every five min from 08:00 h to 09:00 h under the ambient temperature (Ta) of 27°C. Most subjects preferred cooler color after “body heating” than after “no body heating”. This finding was discussed in terms of greater differences between core temperature and its set point after “body heating”, because cooler color would be helpful psychologically in allowing raised core temperature approach its set point.
关键词:cloth color preference;cool and warm color;set point;tympanic temperature;body heating