期刊名称:Facta Universitatis : Series Physical Education and Sport
出版社:University of Niš
摘要:The organization of compulsory camping activities for elementary and secondary school students was given as a possibility in the educational system of the Republic of Serbia. The precondition for the implementation of this plan with the regulated legislation, assumes positive attitudes of both parents and students. Because of their nature, attitudes affect human mental functions. The sample in this study consisted of 252 students of the third and fourth grade, five classes per two elementary schools from Belgrade. A survey was used as an instrument of research, with a main goal to discover number of students with a negative attitude towards camping, with explained motives. Results showed that 15.07% of respondents would not like to go camping. Some think that they are not mature enough, they do not like the mentioned activity, and they think that their camping would be boring, while some might be bothered by insects. The most frequent projected fears of possible lodging at the campsite are fears directed towards wild animals, bugs, spiders, snakes, darkness, sudden sounds, loss, and unknown people. All the aforementioned fears, regardless of their type, are united by the fear of the unknown, and as a form of solution it is recommended to confront these "inconveniences" and fears whereby this process achieves gradual neutralization and their disappearance. Conclusion is that all these fears could be eradicated by getting to know the students with details about the organization of camping and the location of the camp.