期刊名称:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
出版社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
摘要:Tadabbur is a comprehensive process while reciting and listening to the Quran, including pronunciation of hurf, words, Quranic recitation, understanding of the meaning and practically valuing the Quranic verses. This practice is essential to be practised by the huffaz as it helps to improve the quality of memorisation. However, the process of memorisation is complicated and requires a high degree of focus, and therefore, many tahfiz syllabi neglecting to emphasise the tadabbur aspect. Besides, their primary focus is on memorising the Quran, making tadabbur lesson less critical. Therefore, this study aimed to highlight a few strategies that can be practised by the huffaz during the memorisation of the Quran. The studied strategies as followed; skills of the hurf pronunciation and tajwid, understanding the mufradat and the whole sentences, lesson on waqf and ibtida’, interaction with Quranic verses and using tadabbur assisted tools. This study employed qualitative research using a content analysis approach. The data collected through a document analysis based on the problems faced by the Quranic huffaz and was analysed using a thematic descriptive method. The results showed that the elements or techniques that are easy to use during the memorisation process were to practice hurf pronunciation skills and tajwid, to understand the meaning of every word and verse of the Quran, to study on waqf and ibtida’, to interact with the verses of the Quran and to use appropriate tadabbur teaching tools. This study implies that the huffaz will be getting guidance to implement the elements of tadabbur during the memorisation of the Quran. Those who were structuring the tahfiz syllabus have been encouraged to implement the elements of tadabbur in tahfiz education. The ultimate goal of this research is to produce a knowledgeable huffaz in the field of Quranic studies.