期刊名称:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
出版社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
摘要:Malay Language Literacy is the most important skills for all students to survive in the Malaysia educational systems. Reading comprehension is one of the skills that need to be gained by the students in the early age of school to ensure that they can perform well in the school. The aim of this study is to investigate the needs and the element that proposed by remedial education teachers for constructing reading comprehension learning modules named Scaffolding Literacy (ScafoLIT). This study was conducted using a survey design which involved 53 respondents among remedial education teachers in Daro District, Sarawak. The instrument used to collect research data was the Module Needs Analysis Questionnaire. Research finding shows that the participants agreed that there is a need to construct a reading comprehension learning module for remedial students with the mean value of M=3.71. This mean value shows that there is a high agreement among the participants about the need to construct a new learning module for remedial students. The three themes suggested by the participants to be included in the module are; Family with a mean value of M=4.15, Culture with a mean value of M=4.08 and Nature Conservation with a mean value of M=4.09. While the suggested learning activities to be included in the learning module is (i) read aloud (M=3.89), (ii) oral communication (M=3.96), (iii) coloring (M=3.91), (iv) match words with pictures (M=3.91), (v) match sentences with pictures (M=3.96). Finding of this study is clearly shown that there is a need to construct a reading comprehension learning module in order to help remedial students to overcome their difficulties in mastering the reading comprehension skills.