摘要:Research on the organization of training processes through tasks has become one of emerging lines in the scientific context. The objective of the study was to analyze the self-defined profile of the football and to know his way of acting, in the youth category, during two competitive months. A total of 172 training tasks were analyzed between the two coaches analyzed. The instruments used to know the coach´s self-defined profile were: the Coaching Orientation Questionnaire, the Skills and Knowledge Scale, the Sports Decision Style Questionnaire and the Sports Planning Style Questionnaire. And to know the way to act, use the SIATE tool, where the pedagogical variables were analyzed (Situation of the game, Presence of the goalkeeper, Game phase, Type of content, Means of sports initiation, Level of opposition and Line of play) and organizational variables (Total time, Explanation time and Useful time). The results show that coaches use a wide variety of pedagogical variables to desing theirtraining tasks. In addition, there are significant differences in relation to the profile and mode of acting of coaches.