摘要:The aim study is to analyse the social integration process of Latin American students, who participate in a school sport program developed in Segovia (Spain). Furthermore, the social and cultural relationships that these students build within the program are identified and described. In the context, 118 students with ages ranging from 7 to 12 years participate, 68 are immigrants, and 26 of these come from Latin American countries. For data collection, participant observation was developed for a period of 6 months, and individual and group interviews were applied to students, monitors and program coordinators. The results indicate that students from Latin America have a shared identity, which is based on common cultural values and habits. Likewise, they prove to have supportive solidarity practices and networks that facilitate their process of social integration. The relationships that these students build with the other immigrant groups and Spanish students, are developed in a climate of mutual respect, although it is also observed that groups led by less experienced monitors present more conflicts.
关键词:Immigrant Students;Latin American students;Immigration;Sport;School Sport;Intercultural Education