出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:Over the course of its full lifetime, $\overline{\mbox{P}}$ANDA at FAIR will address the physics of strange baryons with $S=-2$ in nuclei by several novel and unique measurements. This series of experiments will start with the exclusive production of hyperon--antihyperon pairs close to their production threshold in antiproton--nucleus collisions. This day-one experiment offers a hitherto unexplored opportunity to elucidate the behaviour of antihyperons in nuclei. In its intermediate stage, $\overline{\mbox{P}}$ANDA will offer the unique possibility to search for X-ray transitions from very heavy hyperatoms, e.g. $\Xi^-$-$^{208}$Pb which will complement experiments at J-PARC measuring X-rays in medium-sized nuclei. Finally, $\overline{\mbox{P}}$ANDA will extend the studies on double $\Lambda$ hypernuclei by performing high resolution $\gamma$-spectroscopy of these nuclei for the first time. This contribution focuses on the hyperatom experiment. Calculations for several possible target materials with respect to the experimental observables show the high feasibility of a $^{208}$Pb hyperatom experiment. Further simulation studies were performed to estimate the expected event and background rates and their effect on the achievable precision for the observables and hence the $\Xi^-$-nuclear potential. Since the results are strongly correlated with the shape of the periphery of the $^{208}$Pb nucleus, the systematic uncertainty related to the neutron skin thickness of $^{208}$Pb is also discussed. We predict an uncertainty in the estimation of the real part as well as the imaginary part of the $\Xi^-$ nuclear potential of approximately 1 MeV.