摘要:The nonlinear thermophysical properties significantly affect the temperature field and the appearance of the weld bead in the LASER Beam Welding (LBW). Then, it is vital to have a well-defined numerical model for analyzing the thermal behavior of the welded material. Nonetheless, many papers still address the welding simulation using constant thermal properties. In this way, this paper proposes a three-dimensional thermal analysis of an unsteady LBW aiming to compare the difference between the constant and nonlinear thermophysical properties approaches. It applied the Finite Volume Method (FVM) to solve the nonlinear three-dimensional heat diffusion equation with an enthalpy function to model the phase change using a fully implicit scheme. In traditional models, these considerations promote a significant increase in computational time for the convergence of the method. Thus, CUDA-C in-house parallel routines were implemented and executed in a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to solve this problem. Lab-controlled experiments validated the proposed methodology. The results highlighted the importance of using the nonlinear approach. Furthermore, a detailed study demonstrated the difficulty of knowing precisely the placement of thermocouples, given the high-temperature gradient in the welding processes. The proposed methodology demonstrated to be a faster, cheaper, and efficient way to simulate the LBW.