摘要:A sense of belonging is a prerequisite for the professional and clinical success of nursing students. The objective of this study was to elucidate whether students’ participation in projects oriented toward translating knowledge into clinical practice promoted a sense of belonging and assisted with their integration into clinical practice services. Fifteen students were distributed into two focus groups, and the study was carried out by means of a semi-structured interview script using the research question as a starting point for directing the discussion toward more specific topics. Qualitative analysis followed a predefined protocol. WebQDA® software was used to organize and analyze the findings, as well as to increase their rigor. The study design was approved by an ethics committee. Three categories related to belongingness emerged from the data analysis: integration, participation, and collaborative work. Belongingness was a central element for integrating students into services, and it influenced their clinical education, their motivation, and the quality of their experience. It also allowed them to learn about evidence, communicate science, carry out evidence-based practice, and develop competencies. Concurrently, student integration was facilitated by the sharing of knowledge between professors and nurses, and the existence of ongoing work with clinical practice services.