摘要:The thermal flow field of Newtonian fluid in novel cavity is investigated numerically. The three different shaped heated ribs namely triangular, rectangular and circular are installed case-wise at lower wall of cavity. The uniformly heated circular cylinder is taken fixed in center of cavity for each case. The no-slip condition is imposed on both the top wall and exterior surface obstacle. The fluid enters from the inlet of a cavity with a specific velocity profile. At outlet, a Neumann condition is taken. The upper wall, inlet and outlet of cavity are taken cold. Thermal flow field individualities are explored by using the energy, momentum and continuity equations. The finite element approach is used to solve these equations. The contour plots, line graphs and tabular data are used to report the ultimate observations on velocity, pressure, temperature and hydrodynamic forces. Particularly, the lift and drag coefficient values are obtained via line integration. The variations pattern in Nusselt for triangular, rectangular and circular ribs at lower wall are shared. It is noticed that the coefficients values towards heated obstacle are higher in magnitude for the case of heated rectangular rib as compared to heated triangular and circular ribs.
关键词:Novel cavity Newtonian fluid Heat transfer Finite element method Hybrid meshing Heated circular obstacle Hydrodynamics forces