摘要:Optimal reactive power dispatch plays a key role in the safe operation of electric power systems. It consists of the optimal management of the reactive power sources within the system, usually with the aim of reducing system power losses. This paper presents both a new model and a solution approach for the multi-period version of the optimal reactive power dispatch. The main feature of a multi-period approach lies on the incorporation of inter-temporal constraints that allow the number of switching operations in transformer taps and capacitor banks to be limited in order to preserve their lifetime and avoid maintenance cost overruns. The main contribution of the paper is the constraint handling approach which consists of a multiplication of sub-functions which act as penalization and allow simultaneous consideration of both the feasibility and optimality of a given candidate solution. The multi-period optimal reactive power dispatch is an inherently nonconvex and nonlinear problem; therefore, it was solved using the metaheuristic mean-variance mapping optimization algorithm. The IEEE 30-bus and IEEE 57-bus test systems were used to validate the model and solution approach. The results allow concluding that the proposed model guarantees an adequate reactive power management that meets the objective of minimizing power losses and keeping the transformer taps and capacitor bank movements within limits that allow guaranteeing their useful life.