摘要:This research aims to investigate the impact of brand equity on purchase intention among the MBA students of UNITAR International University. The key components of brand equity are brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and brand association, were included in this study. This population was selected due to the diversity of the students, particularly in terms of age, gender, and race. The required sample size of 169 for these population was successfully collected. Data for this research was gathered through an online survey using the descriptive format for the demographics and five-point Likert scale for the variables. The collected data was tested and analyzed using descriptive analysis, reliability testing, multiple linear regression, Pearson correlation coefficient analysis and one-way ANOVA. Findings have showed positive relationship between all the independent variables to the dependent variable, consistent with the findings of previous studies. Our finding strengthens the findings of past studies on the significant impact of brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand association on purchase intentions. It also enhances previous findings which rejected the impact of brand awareness on purchase intentions. Our conclusion on the significant impact of brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand association on purchase intentions can be used by businesses to focus their sales and marketing strategies into these three components. Our conclusion that brand awareness does not significantly impact purchase intentions can be adopted by businesses to emphasize their efforts more on the three other components of brand equity.