摘要:Foamed ceramic foam concrete composite wall was prepared by a direct casting method. Compressive and tensile tests were carried out on different densities of foamed ceramic boards. Changing rules of interface bonding properties of the composite wall under the influence of foamed concrete age, the surface treatment of foamed ceramic boards, and exposure to freeze–thaw cycles were studied; and the failure mechanism was analyzed and discussed. The results show that a foamed ceramic board with a density of 410 kg/m3 is suitable for a panel of composite wallboard; when the age of the foam concrete increases from 3 to 7 days, and the interface bond strength of the composite wallboard increases, then the bonding strength of the composite wallboard gradually decreases with the increase in age; with the increase in freeze–thaw cycles, the interface bond strength of the composite wallboard decreases gradually. The interface agent was pre-painted on the foamed ceramic board, which can improve the interface bonding strength of the composite wallboard. The drying, shrinkage, and freezing and thawing cycles of the foam concrete have a great influence on the interface bond strength of the composite wallboard. The perforated long hole and rubber sleeve can be used to improve the safety of the composite wallboard.