摘要:This study investigates the main aspects of the quality of service (QoS) assessment process at airport passenger terminals to find gaps, highlight trends, and discuss current day challenges. A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted in Scopus and ISI Web of Science databases. Excluding redundancies, the searches resulted in an initial set of 565 articles. After preliminary steps, 61 of these studies were selected for in depth analysis. The research findings and discussions are organized into subsections focused on: (1) places of application (countries/regions); (2) airport areas; (3) evaluators profile; (4) methods; and (5) evaluation criteria. The main gaps revealed are the lack of: (a) applied studies in underdeveloped or developing countries; (b) specific studies for important airport areas, such as those related to access; (c) studies using assessments from arriving and transfer passengers, as well as from travel professionals and experts; and (d) full noncompensatory multicriteria sorting methods. In terms of trends, there is a clear advance in the use of data mining and sentiment analysis, evidencing the challenge for airport managers in dealing with the sources of online information as a management tool. Finally, the challenge of including in assessment process new criteria related to sustainability and COVID-19 era aspects is also noteworthy.