摘要:Iron tailings sand is a kind of mineral waste, and open-air storage is a common treatment method for iron tailings, which not only has a huge impact on the ecological environment but also occupies a lot of land resources. Therefore, the preparation of high-ductility fiber reinforced iron tailings concrete and its application in practical engineering structures have good application prospects. This paper is based on the deep learning research on the mechanical and carbonization properties of hybrid fiber iron tailings concrete. Therefore, tailings sands with different substitution rates, single-mixed steel fiber, and mixed steel-PVA fiber concrete were prepared in this paper. Its compressive strength, split tensile strength, axial compressive strength, elastic modulus, strain, and carbonization depth were tested. Through the existing concrete compressive stress-strain curve equations, the nonlinear calculation of each group of concrete compressive stress-strain curve equations in this paper is carried out, some parameters are determined, and the carbonation depth equation is established. The results show that, with the increase of tailings content, the properties of concrete increase first and then decrease and the addition of fibers can effectively improve the strength, elastic modulus, peak strain, and carbonization depth of concrete. However, with the increase of PVA fiber content, its performance enhancement effect decreased.