摘要:Limitation in ankle dorsiflexion is associated with the development of injury to the musculoskeletal system However, little is known about the impact of different sports disciplines on the dorsiflexion range of motion in the ankle joint Therefore, the aim of the study is to compare the dorsiflexion range of motion of ice hockey players and football players The sample included 26 professional football players with an average age of 2246 (± 375) The control group included 37 professional ice hockey players with an average age of 2462 (± 434) The range of motion of ankle dorsiflexion in closed kinematic chain was tested using a mobile phone application The mean ankle dorsiflexion range of motion in football players was 4140° (± 536) at the right ankle joint and 45° (± 591) at the left ankle joint The mean ankle dorsiflexion range of motion in football players was 4249° (± 692) in the right ankle joint and 4592° (± 545) in the left ankle joint The ranges of motion of the dorsiflexion of the right ankle (p <0016) and the dorsiflexion of the left ankle (p – 0031) ranges of motion in ice hockey players were significantly higher compared to football players The average ankle dorsiflexion range of motion in the closed kinematic chain of ice hockey players was significantly higher compared to football players.
其他摘要:Omejitev dorzalne fleksije gležnja je povezana z razvojem poškodb mišično-skeletnega sistema Malo je znanega o vplivu različnih športnih disciplin na obseg dorzalne fleksije v skočnem sklepu Namen naše študije je primerjati obseg dorzalne fleksije hokejistov in nogometašev V vzorec je bilo vključenih 26 profesionalnih nogometašev s povprečno starostjo 22,46 let (± 3,75) V kontrolni skupini je bilo 37 profesionalnih hokejistov s povprečno starostjo 24,62 let (± 4,34) Obseg dorzalne fleksije gležnja v zaprti kinematični verigi smo testirali s pomočjo mobilne aplikacije Povprečni obseg dorzalne fleksije gležnja pri nogometaših je bil 41,40° (± 5,36) v desnem gleženjskem sklepu in 45° (± 5,91) v levem sklepu Povprečni obseg dorzalne fleksije gležnja pri nogometaših je bil 42,49° (± 6,92) v desnem gleženjskem sklepu in 45,92° (± 5,45) v levem gleženjskem sklepu Obseg dorzalne fleksije desnega gležnja (p < 0,016) in dorzalne fleksije levega gležnja (p – 0,031) je bil pri hokejistih bistveno večji kot pri nogometaših Povprečni obseg dorzalne fleksije gležnja v zaprti kinematični verigi hokejistov je bil bistveno večji kot pri nogometaših.
关键词:ankle joint range of motion;dorsiflexion;ice hockey;football
其他关键词:gibljivost gležnja;dorzalna fleksija;hokej na ledu;nogomet