摘要:Referees assume a similar role with the players for the purpose of successfully finalizing a sports competition/match Majority of the current studies have focused on the players/athletes’ role whilst the number of studies investigating the performance of the referees who manage the match/competition is relatively few This study aimed to reveal whether professional self-efficacy, which is considered to be a significant predictor on the job satisfaction of referees, has an effect therein The participants of the research comprise of 204 soccer referees assigned in different classifications The referee self-efficacy scale (REFS) and a job satisfaction scale for the referees were used as instruments of collecting research data The analysis of whether the research data were distributed normally or not is followed by the data analysis process After determining that the data exhibited a normal distribution, parametric tests were performed A path analysis was performed using the independent sample t-test for two independent variables, one-way variance (Anova) for more than two independent variables, the pearson correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables and the AMOS program is used in order to evaluate the hypotheses developed within the scope of the research In line with the findings obtained, a positive significant relationship was identified between the self-efficacy and the job satisfaction of the referees (p<001) In addition, significant differences were identified as a result of binary and multiple comparisons performed within the context of the research variables (p<005) Accordingly, the self-efficacy of the referees was found to have a significant effect on their job satisfaction (p<001).
其他摘要:Sodniki imajo z igralci isti namen, to je uspešno zaključili športno tekmovanje Večina trenutnih študij se je osredotočila na vlogo igralcev/športnikov, medtem ko je število študij, ki raziskujejo uspešnost sodnikov, ki vodijo tekmovanje, relativno malo Namen te študije je bil odkriti, ali na to vpliva poklicna samoučinkovitost, ki velja za pomemben napovedovalec zadovoljstva sodnikov pri delu Udeleženci v raziskavi so bili 204 nogometni sodniki, razvrščeni v različne klasifikacije Kot instrumenta za zbiranje raziskovalnih podatkov sta bili uporabljeni lestvica samoučinkovitosti sodnikov (REFS) in lestvica zadovoljstva pri delu za sodnike Analiziranju, ali so bili raziskovalni podatki razporejeni normalno ali ne, sledi postopek analize podatkov Po ugotovitvi, da imajo podatki normalno porazdelitev, so bili izvedeni parametrični testi Izvedena je bila analiza z uporabo neodvisnega vzorčnega t-testa za dve neodvisni spremenljivki in enosmerna analiza variance (ANOVA) za več kot dve neodvisni spremenljivki Za določitev razmerja med spremenljivkama je bila uporabljena pearsonova korelacijska analiza in program AMOS z namenom vrednotenja hipotez, postavljenih v okviru raziskave Ugotovljena je bila pozitivna značilna povezava med samoučinkovitostjo in zadovoljstvom pri delu sodnikov (p<0,01) Poleg tega so bile ugotovljene pomembne razlike kot posledica binarnih in večkratnih primerjav, opravljenih v okviru raziskovalnih spremenljivk (p<0,05) Odkrili smo, da samoučinkovitost sodnikov pomembno vpliva na njihovo zadovoljstvo pri delu (p<0,01).