摘要:Mental health problems, like depression and anxiety, are highly prevalent and increasing among university students which may cause severe role impairment. Caring Universities (CU) is an internationally embedded consortium of four Dutch universities to monitor and improve student mental health. Method: Students receive mental health surveys annually and are offered free online, guided programmes focused on reducing stress, improving mood, reducing procrastination, and dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: In January 2021, CU sent an online questionnaire to 115,023 students from the four universities, and 10,983 full answers were received up to now. 38.5% of respondents indicate moderate to severe depressive symptoms (PHQ-9 score 10-27), which is a larger percentage compared to earlier cohorts assessed briefly after the first lockdown in 2020 (33.1%) and before the pandemic in 2019 (22.5%). Up to now, 1.315 students started with an eHealth programme. In general, students are satisfied and show a decrease in symptoms upon completion of the programmes. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing measures taken may have a negative impact on student mental health. This must be interpreted with caution because of the low response rate. The use of the CU interventions by students and preliminary results regarding the change in symptoms will be presented in more detail.