摘要:Strengthening competition in world markets leads to qualitative changes in the system of organization and management of businesses which must adapt to constantly changing conditions in the intensified competition at the international level. It is necessary to improve SMEs regulation system, including facilitating the establishment of inter-firm contacts and raising the qualifications of specialists and administrative staff. In this article, the authors research a formation process of new qualitative characteristics of enterprise human resources under globalization changes. The concentration of production is being replaced by the concept of intellectual-intensive production with a high level of education and information-technological equipment of the personnel. These peculiarities of the globalization process must be taken into account when solving issues related to the development of small businesses in Ukraine. It is revealed that this concept focuses attention not only on quantitative, but also on qualitative characteristics of personnel, including the level of competencies, professionalism, and a lack of focus on the development of intellectual potential. Competency as a socio-economic category becomes a system-forming basis that determines the formation of new processes for the preparation of human resources. The research reviewed the current state of SMEs in Ukraine under negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of statistical analysis indicate a steady downward trend in the number of individual entrepreneurs. Changes in the manufacturing sector have also brought about changes in relation to labor resources. Ideas of self-development, lifelong education, emphasizing informal and non-formal learning are becoming popular. All of the above indicates that the provision of organizations with competent personnel is becoming an increasingly urgent problem and one of the main priorities. A specific model of a competency-based approach to the human resource formation system was proposed. It determines the behaviour of people in the performance of professional duties in a simple language for specialists and increases the return on the use of competencies. A high level of professional competencies of personnel is one of the important conditions for the effective work of business entities.