摘要:One of the important mechanisms of world transformation in the context of the formation of sustainable development of society is the achievement and provision of innovative, inclusive, fair and high-quality models of development and institutionalization of science. The process of formation and implementation of a new modern policy in the field of science foresees the implementation of the paradigm of Open Science. The analysis of the key documents of the European Research Area and the European Higher Education Area, which define the policies and procedures for the development of Open Science, allowed to characterize the understanding of its features, goals, characteristics and indicators. The key provisions of the EU policy on the development of Open Science include the following: recognition of the priority of open research; ensuring the earliest possible exchange of knowledge and research data; promoting the involvement of research partners from industry, government and community groups; compliance of publications with the requirements “open as much as possible, closed as necessary”; recognition and reward of participation in research of citizens and end consumers; ensuring compliance with intellectual property rights. Active promotion of the ideas of Open Science through appropriate policies and procedures strengthens global cooperation and corresponds to the principles and goals of sustainable development of society, focused on improving the quality of human life in a favorable socio-economic environment and environmentally friendly, healthy, diverse environment.