期刊名称:BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology
出版社:Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management
摘要:For the optimal design of frequency-selective digital filters, evolutionary optimization algorithms have been applied. In these design methods the goal of the optimization process is to find the optimal filter coefficients which closely approximate the desired frequency response. In this paper, an efficient alternative method for the design of linear phase digital FIR filter with ripple constraint is discussed. This method of optimization uses DE algorithm with modified selection rule for ripple constraint handling. The results obtained using this method are compared with those obtained for another method of ripple constraint handling based on penalty function using DE algorithm. From the simulation results it is observed that ripple constraint handling method based on the modified selection rule of DE shows better performance than that obtained using DE with ripple constraint method based on penalty function when number of runs is applied.
关键词:Index Terms — Differential Evolution algorithm;FIR filters; Frequency response;Ripple constraint.