出版社:Action for Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness
摘要:Present research entails an in-depth analysis on the effect of two secondary host plants of eri silkworm viz., borpat (Ailanthus grandis Prain) and borkesseru (Ailanthus excels Roxb.) and seasons on yarn parameters of eri silk as quality of silk depends on food quality and rearing season. Seasons had significant effect on all the yarn parameters viz., yarn size, breaking load, tenacity and elongation except twist per inch. Significantly the highest yarn size (10.26s) was observed in autumn season which was at par with the spring season. But the maximum breaking load (0.67 kg) and tenacity (1.40 g/denier) were recorded in spring season and elongation (26.54%) in early summer season. Regardless of the seasons, significantly the higher breaking load (0.64 kg) and tenacity (1.51 g/denier) were recorded on the borkesseru leaves. The interaction effect of seasons and two host plants on eri silk yarn was found to be non-significant. Diversiform effect of both the seasons and the host plants pertaining to yarn characters were witnessed. It can be ensured that all the seasons and host plants are relevant with slight alteration in the yarn quality.