摘要:Recommender systems are designed to deal with structured and unstructured information and help the user effectively retrieve needed information from the vast number of web pages. Dynamic information of users has been proven useful for learning representations in the recommender system. In this paper, we construct a series of dynamic subgraphs that include the user and item interaction pairs and the temporal information. Then, the dynamic features and the long- and short-term information of users are integrated into the static recommendation model. The proposed model is called dynamic and static features-aware graph recommendation, which can model unstructured graph information and structured tabular data. Particularly, two elaborately designed modules are available: dynamic preference learning and dynamic sequence learning modules. The former uses all user-item interactions and the last dynamic subgraph to model the dynamic interaction preference of the user. The latter captures the dynamic features of users and items by tracking the preference changes of users over time. Extensive experiments on two publicly available datasets show that the proposed model outperforms several compelling state-of-the-art baselines.