摘要:The annotation on the plate at the Chester Beatty Library for folio 105, fragment 2, recto, is incorrect; it does not contain Deuteronomy 32:10 but Deuteronomy 32:6-8. Although very little of the text of Deuteronomy 32:6-8 has so far been identified, the placement of this fragment opens up the possibility of the reconstruction of all of folio 105, from Deuteronomy 32:5 through to Deuteronomy 32:29. Preliminary attempts to do so have identified a possible problem: if recto column one is correctly or near correctly reconstructed, the non-extant part of verso column two between fragment 2 and the Michigan fragments is too short to fit all of the non-extant part of Deuteronomy 32:25-27. Solutions to this reconstruction problem include lines that are much longer than usual, lines that have the letters crowded together, and squeezing in of two extra lines – but these solutions are contrary to the general evenness of columns and lines elsewhere in this manuscript. Alternative solutions, not yet investigated, include either an expansion in folio 105, recto, column one, or an omission in folio 105, verso, column two, of about thirty-five letters. [Extract from Analysis section]