摘要:A 4-tuple y,x,v,w in a graph is a 3-arc if each of y,x,v and x,v,w is a path. The 3-arc graph of H is the graph with vertex set all arcs of H and edge set containing all edges joining xy and vw whenever y,x,v,w is a 3-arc of H. A Hamilton cycle is a closed path meeting each vertex of a graph. A graph H including a Hamilton cycle is called Hamiltonian and H has a Hamiltonian decomposition provided its edge set admits a partition into disjoint Hamilton cycles (possibly with a single perfect matching). The current paper proves that every connected 3-arc graph consists of more than one Hamilton cycle. Since the 3-arc graph of a cubic graph is 4-regular, it further proves that each 3-arc graph of a cubic graph in a certain family has a Hamiltonian decomposition.