标题:Development and Validation of an Instrument Measuring Determinants of Bystander Intervention to Prevent Sexual Assault: An application of the Reasoned Action Approach
摘要:Bystander Intervention (BI) is an evidence-based approach that is considered the gold standard by governmental organizations to reduce sexual assault in college. Few survey instruments are available to measure the predispositions students have towards engaging in BI. Valid and reliable instruments are greatly needed, especially those tailored to BI. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an instrument based on the reasoned action approach with college students at two U.S. universities. An elicitation of beliefs was accomplished to inform survey items (i.e., behavioral, normative, and control beliefs). Then, an initial draft was developed and sent to an expert panel to establish validity. The final instrument was administered to undergraduate students (n = 291), and further psychometric properties (construct validity and internal consistency reliability) were evaluated. Data were fit into two separate models to evaluate fit. In the first model, a four-factor solution was evaluated (intentions, attitudes, perceived norms, and perceived behavioral control), and while results were modest, the second seven-factor solution model contained a better fit (intentions, instrumental and experiential attitudes, injunctive and descriptive norms, capacity, and autonomy). Researchers and practitioners examining BI in college can use this instrument to measure theory-based determinants of BI to reduce sexual assault.